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How to install Symantec SEP linux in Dark Network

If you install Symantec Endpoint Protection for Linux in Dark Network, You get an error because you can't download the repository on the Internet. How to solve this issue?

How to Install SEP Linux Dark Network
How to Install SEP Linux Dark Network

Installing SEP for Linux

First we need to export installing package from SEPM.

Go to Admin-Install Package

Select Linux Agent and right click mouse

Select Export 

Exporting Package

You can get LinuxInstaller file for installing Linux machine.



chomod u+x LinuxInstaller



If the Linux machine is in Dark Network and run the above commad, the following error will apperar becasuse the repo cannot be loaded from outside.


Yum Repo communication error 



Solution but Complex

Solution is create a local mirror of endpoint protection linux repository. You can make repository mirror can be copied or shared as a file folder or served up by an FTP or web server. But this is too complex and need time and server.

So, I recommend simple solution.


Just Make an Package Including Repo

We need one linux machine connected Internet. And Installing Command below


./LinuxInstaller -R


This command make an SEP linux installer file with repo name is LinuxInstaller.rhel7


Installing Linux Package in  Dark Network

Now You can installing SEP for Linux package in Dark Network.

Yum Repo communcation error but installing is completed.


All SEP services are running




Create a Linux installing package in an Internet-connected environmente and install it using this package on all Linux machines in the dark network.

